Independent Classes

Sue Jones Presents

Creative Dance With A Difference!

For Children Aged 2-3 Years

Under the Sea CSIRO

Each child is born with tremendous innate talents and capabilities— DanceKids unlocks this creative potential by blending science with the arts.

Inspired by Nature, my aim is to give children the opportunity to experiment with movement and the facility to explore the world around them in a creative and imaginative manner.

Above all, DanceKids is about having fun! Parents are invited to stay with their children and join in the fun as much as they wish!

Book Here

Classes Start in February 2016.

Dates: February 2016.

Venue: Mt Mugga Scout Hall off Astrolabe Street, Red Hill.

Cost: 10 classes @ $15.00 per class = $150.00 for the term.
The first session is free if you decide you don’t want to continue. Otherwise, payment can be made after the first session. To continue classes we ask you pay in full to confirm your child’s place.
Note: A limit of 12 children per class, so book soon.

For all inquiries and bookings please contact: Sue Jones or book here
Phone: 6161 1173 Mobile: 0402 456 981